Audience Question
- Be more confident with the use of theories.
- Expand on the point I'm trying to make and ensure I've justified each point I've made.
- Deepen understanding and knowledge of visual codes and how to apply them so I can better analyse media text.
- Case studies.
Representation Question
- Be more confident with the use of theories and include them in my work.
- Widen knowledge of how the various representations of men and women differ and how they apply to certain people.
- Include stereotypes in my representation answers and be specific with who they apply to and how.
- Give own detailed examples and research case studies.
Revision and Study
- Make a revision and study guide so that I do enough hours of revision a week.
- Find a way to revise effectively (e.g. visual mnemonics, hierarchy, etc.)
- Always work to the best of my ability.
- Collect draft and receive feedback on it.