Thursday, 19 September 2013

Uses and Gratifications: Personal Identity

One of the reasons an audience watches a television programme may be for how they can personally identify with the characters either on-screen or in text. For example, the reason I watch Pretty Little Liars is because I can identify with the actresses lives, such as their break-ups and how closely they hold their friendships and family to them. The way the programme is based is that they're just normal teenage girls, in high school who overcome the obstacles of what it's like being a teenager and their struggles throughout. This makes the audience feel like they're a part of the show because they can identify so closes with the characters and it enables them to feel like they know the characters off-screen. Another way the audience may personally identify is by looking up to the actresses as people and getting inspiration from the way they dress or how their make-up is done in a particular scene. These are all examples of personally identifying with an on-screen character.

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